April is Volunteer Appreciation Month. To commemorate this special month, JFS is honoring ALL of our dedicated and invaluable volunteers!
“Volunteers have become the lifeblood of all JFS programs. We are so fortunate to have so many amazing volunteers without whom, we could not have our personal pantry service or have the JET Express program at all,” said Don Goldman, Jewish Family Services of Greater Kansas City’s CEO and Executive Director.
Throughout 2021, 321 volunteers performed over 6,058 hours of volunteer work. 15 volunteers represented Chaplaincy across Kansas City as spiritual care advisors as they visited hospitals and eldercare centers. Meanwhile, 67 volunteers worked with our Older Adult Care services providing rides for JET Express clients, making friendly calls via Calling Connections, and assisting Help@Home clients with technology needs. Our food pantries at the Jewish Community Center and our Brookside location welcomed 172 volunteers for shifts. Also, 76 volunteers worked as groups at the pantry for special projects.
“We know the last two years have been difficult with the many changes we have had to make due to the pandemic and we so appreciate our volunteers sticking with us. Thank you for your continued service,” said Taryn Jones, Volunteer Engagement Manager.
If you are interested in becoming a volunteer, contact the JFS Volunteer Engagement Team at (913) 730-1410 or volunteer@jfskc.org.